Happy Australia Day!
It's a day when the Prime Minister of the Australia introduces and thanks the nominees for Australian of the year and the whole country cheers when the winner is awarded "Australian of the Year" and it's sub-categories: Young Australian of the Year, Old Australian of the Year, Normal Australian of the Year and Australian Hero of the Year.
But are they really impressive people? Are they really that wonderful and inspiring?
No they're not.

The real heroes, the really impressive people, are out there unknown in the back arses of our shitty communities.
The real people deserving of an Australian of the Year award are the people struggling to make it, who then break through the shit life dealt them, and the shit people and the government throw at them every day, and they succeed through all that.
They achieve greatness after all those walls up against them. Against bad luck, bad people, bad choices. They smashed through with sheer determination and achieved the same great thing some well-funded schmuck paid for with a cheque, but guess who got the award?