Most of us have never heard of the term and Indian practice of the Caste System.
The celebration of Indian "culture" in Australia seems to skip over this pervasive tradition.
Perhaps they don't want us to know about certain "cutlural" activities, as Australians currently only like to know things that are nice, cute and acceptable about foreign "culture".
We're not surprised.

The Indian Caste System is a way Indians divide their people into a hierarchy of groups based on the value they provide to their society, their communities.
You inherit your caste from your parents and pass it on to your children, whom you've had with a member of the same caste, thus preserving the caste.
Sound familiar?
A lower caste is of inferior value to a superior caste. The castes therefore do not inter-marry, mix socially or treat each other equally.

The castes begin the division into basic social service provision: from religious elite and academics, royalty and warriors at the top, to business owners, executives, landowners, professionals, and then down to workers, labourers, servants at the bottom.
Beneath the bottom are "out-castes". The lowest of the low, those who perform the disgusting services no one else wants to do: cleaners, street sweapers etc.
These few fundamental types of castes are further divided internally, so that each caste type has its own sub-castes, which themselves divide, based on nuanced changes.

Have you ever used or heard the term "out-caste"?
We bet you didn't know the significance of this term.
You are born, work, marry, live and die in your Caste.
A higher caste will not employ an Indian into a job outside their caste's designated job spectrum.
How Aussie is that?
What's your definition of racist?
Although, Australian Indians will not admit this practice occurs anymore, in Australia (in India only), or doesn't exist, all you need to do is look for yourself. Look closely. It's there alright. Alive and kicking.
And why shouldn't it be?
Here's a screenshot from an example of an Indian "matrimony" dating website:

Why would a first or second generation culture abandon it's most traditional, most fundamental beliefs and practices, just because they or their parents moved to another country?
What strongly patriotic and proud person would oppose and choose to weaken, dilute or abolish its own heartfelt, close-held cultural tradition? Would you drop one of yours, just because others might not like it?
The Indian Caste System is just one example of the ancient human self-preserving tradition (perhaps instinct) of creating a Them and Us in any society.
Every "culture" has, or has had, some version of a caste system in their society, their "culture"
[I keep using speech marks for "culture" because the word actually means "development", which implies change, improvement, growth, all concepts that actually oppose the concept of tradition.
Most things of "culture" when discussing ethnic group characteristics, utterly lack any connotation or certainly denotation of the term "cutlure". In this sociological sense, the term is a mysnomer if ever there was one.]
Jews, Chinese, Arabs, Fijians, most groups who feel an ethnic connection divide themselves internally or from outsiders, in order to strengthen that feeling of belonging and specialness.
There's nothing wrong with keeping tradition. But there's everything wrong in lieing to everyone, falsely presenting yourself as an inclusive group, and excluding one group infavour of another just because they don't belong to your group.
Not all Indians are racist in this way. Of course, not all Australians are inclusive. That's not the point. The exception of any group is not a problem. It's the rule of any group that we're concerned about.
Before you call an Aussie a racist, think again.
Good points here and thought provoking. By comparison, Australia is not particularly racist