Motivational Poster

Motivational Poster


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Political Correctness Kills

Political correctness, we argue, is used by a movement of people whose combined global efforts have protected and supported another movement whose activities have included, as one of their goals, the killing of innocent civilians.

So what do We mean by political correctness and how has this behaviour lead to killing?

Political correctness is the reaction against bigotry that has recently existed in government policies, workplace behaviour and individual attacks against minorities, especially the vulnerable and the voiceless.

This reaction includes banning, vilifying and punishing bigoted behaviour, but also has extended to behaviour of a special kind believed to be harmful, mostly psychologically, to some groups. The reaction also seeks to support false concepts about humanity and society that aim to promote attitudes, beliefs and principles of social cohesion that in turn free up a range of behaviour that culminates in killing.

Examples of these false concepts are multiculturalism and tolerance of certain vulnerable minorities, especially immigrants, gays, women and religious groups. Other false concepts include, that some opinions or beliefs are empirically or logically wrong, and some beliefs are morally wrong. Further, a false concept includes the position that discussions that hurt people's feelings are not only morally wrong, but illogical or irrational.

Basically, political correctness has caused certain discussions and behaviours by governments, interest groups and individuals to be ceased that would otherwise be free to examine the global movement of killers, concluding in action against them.

Political correctness therefore stops examination and critical discussion of certain subjects before they can start. Because the issues are never discussed, they are never addressed, and where the issue is the killing of civilians, political correctness plays a vital role in the freedom of violent actors to continue unimpeded with their plans to kill.

It should be obvious then that part of the solution to defeating terrorism, radicalisation and the killing of civilians as a political tool, is to defeat political correctness.

Serious discussions and policies that aim to identify and destroy the organised killing of civilians for political motives must be allowed to continue and develop unimpeded by a reaction against the potential harm that such discussions and policies could inflict upon the feelings or sensitivities of some people.

Concurrently, the false concepts that political correctness creates to justify its reaction need themsleves to be exposed as false concepts invented not out of rational argument, but purely to appear as good reason to stop a discussion that opposes their view.

Bigoted statements can be defeated through discussion, including logical and empirical tests that would defeat them rationally.

Political correctness claims to be used to protect everyone from harm. Conversely, it enables those bent on harm, protects them and even supports them by giving them freedom from criticism and investigation.

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