Motivational Poster

Motivational Poster


Friday, February 22, 2019

Why We Need to Tax the Rich, but Can't

What's wrong with the rich?


Firstly, they corrupt democracy.

The Rich interefere with and thereby diminish the democratic process.

They either earn or buy access to politicians. They shape and influence political decisions.

They are respected and employed by politicians. Pollies are often even drawn from the billionaire's club.

They are represented by political parties or politicians individually, as though they needed representation in the same way the vulnerable do.

Having jumped in bed with politicians, they then promote policies that are against or indirectly worsen the state of the rest of us: such as employment conditions, job creation, taxation etc etc.

The profits and wealth of the rich are hidden by accountants and lawyers and overseas bank accounts and investments to avoid paying business and personal income tax, at the least.

They got rich through making money by any means, or because they picked the right parents.

The wealth of the rich creates a socially harmful disproportionate imbalance in the wealth of the state, whereby the wealth of the state is held beyond the reach or use of the state, and therefore the state's ability to fund social services is diminished.

The rich are protected by governments from failure, bad decisions and often even crime.

That's just for starters, but it's enough for Our argument.

Here we already have several reasons to take action.

But let's balance the equation. Baby, bath water style.

So, what good comes from having billionaires roaming the streets?

Obvious arguments from apologists usually start with:

-They employ everyone.
-They advance socially required developments, through investment or core business, such as medicine, travel, communication, energy production, which in turn are highly valued by us all.
- The pay the most tax, per capita, providing the most revenue to a state
- They spend more, thus creating jobs and adding to the profit for small businesses.
- They spend more on charities, proportionately.

Is this true? Or even partly true?

If it is true, does it matter?

Can we do without all that? Can we go on living without the filthy rich?

Perhaps a final comment will seal the deal.

Being very rich comes with a world view.

The view of the world they have developed is a direct consequence of their being rich.

They look back at the history of their wealth experience and conclude life lessons.

They make conclusions, hold beliefs and acquire a moral taste on social issues based on their lived experience, their rich life.

Some common examples held among many rich include:

- Some people are naturally superior to others, and others are naturally inferior, as far as societal value, intellect, aptitude for success, people management etc.

- Money is the measure of a person's value

- Money is power

- Money buys happiness and people

- Money is a panacea

- Money buys justice, freedom and politics

- The rich are smarter than the poor

- You make your own luck

- The poor should serve the rich

- It's okay to be cruel to the poor, they deserve it, they are born servile

Imagine these views being the basis for political decisions in a democracy.

A plutarchy would be the manifestation of these conclusions.

It is the ugliness of the rich, morally, intellectually, socially, that demands action from the rest of us.

The philosopher Thomas Hobbes called rule by the few an Aristocracy, not a democracy. This includes so-called representatives of the people.

What happens when the Aristocrats are either the rich, or those representing them? That is de facto Plutocracy.

A solution has been proposed ad nauseum to simply tax the rich, thus more equally redistributing the wealth of the state.

There is a considerble show-stopper to this proposal.

So, returning to the original question, what's wrong with the rich?

Who enabled them in the first place? The government is the only authority that has the power to enable the rich.

Therefore, the government is the only authority that has the power to disable the rich, through such as targeted taxation.

But when the government represents and consists in the rich, we are asking the rich to tax themselves.

So, considering the simplest of actions would never be implemented by the rich upon themsleves, such as to destroy their own status, there is no recourse for the rest of us.

No recourse that is, but rebellion.

Good luck everyone!

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