Motivational Poster

Motivational Poster


Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Millenials - The Future

Can you imagine a future with Millenials at the helm of our societies and governments?

What characteristics define Millenials?

1. Ban all words and practices that offend anyone.

2. I deserve a high paid job no matter what.

3. Hard work does not lead to success. The rewards of success are attained by right.

4. All negative statements, acts, discussions are anathema and must be prevented, stopped, opposed and punished, without condition.

5. Everyone's a winner. There are no losers.

6. The rights of the individual outweigh the interests of society, authorities and government.

7. Anything that makes you feel bad or sad is wrong.

8. Nothing is worth war or conflict.

9. All discussions must be positive and include nothing negative.

10. Equality means equality of outcome, not opportunity.

11. Conventional beliefs are to be challenged always and doubted due to their origin in archaic, patriarchal and obsolete authority. E.g. international borders should be abolished.

12. Authority is a false concept and its manifestations are to be destroyed.

13. We are all victims and victims of multiple causes. Therefore, we all need our victimisation to be addressed by destroying the cause of our victimhood.

14. Everyone is the same, in value, in capability, in treatment.

15. If you disagree with me, you are offensive and aggressive and wrong.

16. I must have the right to speak freely, but no one else does, if they disagree with me.

17. Everyone is good, no matter what they do.

18. There are no facts, only opinions.

19. We should not sacrifice or compromise in order to achieve a greater good for society or for ourselves.

20. All men are violent and aggressive and oppressive.

21. Sexual gender is a choice.

We could go on.

But this is enough to make the point.

If our leaders, our influencers, our law makers and policy makers and our government follow the Millenial tenets above, we need to plan now for the consequences.

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