Motivational Poster

Thursday, September 26, 2019
Our New Global Messiah - Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg is a 1st World 16 year old "girl".
She is another naive imbecile on the world stage with millions of idiot followers who influences cause-seeking morons in public and public office.
Just like all the others out there with the same sickening influence and political power, Trump, Putin, Morrison, Xing Ping and other idiot leaders in Brazil, the Philippines etc etc.
Like all teenagers, she claims to have Autism, Asbergers, depression and other markers of genius and superhuman talent and insight.
Like all Millenials, she has clutched onto a globally catastrophic cause too big to understand, but believed in with the dumb verve of an evangelist religious nut job.
She's found a band wagon and taken the reigns and off she hurtles down a road to anywhere.
Her cause doesn't matter, like none do to Millenials. As long as the cause aims to stop the world from exploding, from billions of lives being destroyed unless the cause acheives a naive poorly understood political outcome and public action.
The cause doesn't matter, because it's not the cause that drives the hysteria. It's the immature teenage drivers all humans crawl through on the way to adulthood.
I want everyone to love me, respect me, follow me, agree with me, comfort me, hug me.
I want to express my self-inflicted anxiety, fear, hysteria, depression and other teen stresses caused by watching the news, Home and Away, being oppressed by my parents, teachers, authorities and stressors caused when my phone dies in the middle of a Tweet or Text, when I can't find a phone charger, when I get less than 10 Likes, when someone says something negative to me on social media.
But I don't want to earn it honestly, because that takes effort, struggle, sacrifice, patience, diligence, intelligence. Oh it's all too hard. Earning respect and acheiving valuable goals is harder than cleaning my bedroom or doing the chores for mummy and daddy.
It's much easier to Tweet, Facebook, Instagram and email from the comfort of my messy bedroom or in class at school.
When I join a Cause, I'm no longer alone. I'm respected. I belong somewhere. I'm fighting the evil authorities and the evil corporate world, the evil patriarchy. I'm a Warrior!
I'm smart. I'm superior. I'm a Hero. I'm infallible.
But oh yeah. I'm also a victim. I'm down-trodden. I'm oppressed. I'm treated like a child.
The Cause may be real. Climate change, rising sea-levels, global warming, may all be actual scientifically verifiable events. They seem to be, if you scan mainstream science and political action from international organisations like the UN.
However, the veracity and value of the cause is NOT the point for Millenials like Greta.
The point is the fundamental point of any teen, any Millenial.
I want something great for nothing.
That something has to be a huge cause that creates a band wagon of brothers resisting the oppressive authorities and in doing so, allows me to express my teen angst, exhibit my awesome childish wisdom, my moral and intellectual superiority, and turns my weaknesses into awe-inspiring strengths.
Contrarily, I want to follow causes that are laced with as many oppressed minorities as possible.
Minorities who have one, some or all of the following lifestyles or conditions:
1. Austism.
2. Veganism.
3. Gender Confusion.
4. Homeopathic medical treatment.
5. Alternative Lifestyles.
6. Homosexuality.
7. Allergies.
8. Transgenderism.
9. Disabilities.
10. Minority religious beliefs.
11. Minority ethnicity.
12. Immigrants: especially asylum seekers.
13. Obesity.
14. Annorexia.
15. Depression.
16. Anxiety.
17. Phobias.
18. Environmentalism.
Millenials like Greta seek to check off as many of these items from the lifestyle shopping list available these days.
None of this stupidity would matter, if it wasn't for a couple of serious problems for society now and in the future.
1. Adults support them.
2. Politicians support them.
3. Their stupid ideas become law, policy, societal tenets.
4. Children grow up thinking they are equal in wisdom about the world as adults or even more wise.
5. Children grow up thinking you can get anything for nothing.
6. Real wisdom and deserved respect are devalued right down to low levels.
7. Mediocrity is celebrated, promoted and is the highest standard. No higher standard is required.
8. Bullshit is treated like the truth.
9. Educators grow them.
10. They share the same platforms as real intellectuals.
Why are we adults being dictated to by naive children who know nothing about the world, nothing about the complicated co-dependent systems that struggle to keep our shitty world intact?
Has anyone noticed why no political or corporate organisations are lead by children?
Has anyone noticed why no children are Judges, surgeons, engineers, published research scientists?
Where do we find great works of philosophy written by children?
The world is far more complicated than your simplistic view imagines.
You haven't had sex, children, serious intimate relationships. You haven't suffered the harsh lessons of a long life: failed marriages involving kids, chronic physical illness, inability to pay bills, balancing your budget to sustain a household, struggling to find work and keep your job because you have dependents, struggling through years of formal study, saving for a mortgage and struggling to avoid a default. You have no idea what suffering is. You know why?
Because you haven't lived yet.
Being a child does NOT automatically grant you a life-time of wisdom.
Being a child does NOT make your understanding of complex systems like government, law, politics, sociology, psychology and human nature greater than that of leaders, experts, your parents.
Being a child makes you as simple-minded and ignorant as your short life has made you.
Parroting the latest Cause jargon doesn't fool anyone either. Big adult words you hear on TV are well-known cliches and vaccuous policy slogans used by fraudulent adults to fool adult morons.
But even adult morons have an advantage over you. They have suffered for real, they have substantial life experience.
Before you go and change the entire world with your Tweets and your ranting balling outbursts and school-wagging protests, how about you go clean your fucking bedroom, do the dishes and read a book first.
Wisdom comes with age, not watching TV or reading Tweets.
Wisdom comes from learning, suffering, adapting, experiencing life. That takes time, a long time.
And you children by definition don't have time.
The various Causes you latch onto are often very serious issues that should be actioned, discussed, analysed, broken down into their component sub-systems for debate and resolution.
The Causes you support may indeed be real, but that doesn't automatically mean you understand them. Nor does it mean you have the intellectual capability of doing anything about them, besides screaming and wailing about them like a fucking retard throwing shit at cars on the street because they're noisey and scarey.
We have one final thing to say to Greta and her childish fraudulent pathetic self-victimised, depressed anxious autistic deluded idiots of her immature ilk:
Grow the fuck up.
Until then, shut the fuck up.
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