Motivational Poster

Motivational Poster


Wednesday, January 8, 2020

What is Gender?

The continuing nonsense carried on with the intentional misuse of the term Gender and its relative terms, Sex, Male, Female, He, She etc, demands Our continuing response.

Further, the act of changing a term in common usage, with a common understanding and fixed clear definition, understood and used this way for hundreds of years is itself a trend that threatens basic and philosophical discussion and communication. The alternate use of terms is a problem for language.

And so here again We are compelled to reiterate and elaborate on the issue of the term Gender.

To remind us:

The term Gender has been hijacked since at least the UK Equality Act 2010, and most recently in the Gender Recognition Act 2017, to signify an ideological lifestyle held by a vast minority. The term now has a double meaning:

1. The traditional meaning referring to physical sexual characteristics among the animal kingdom. There are two Genders, discounting a third genetic mutation such as Kleinfelters syndrome; and

2. The recent conceptual meaning that a human can feel like and choose a sexual gender they are not physically. There are endless types of Gender.

So the latter use is based on a belief, poorly defined, that contradicts and attempts to redefine the classical understanding of what it is to BE a male or female.

So, the second meaning has game-changing implications for all terms and understandings of related male and female terminology, and further domino implications on society, government, law and all issues that centre around sex.

A further corollary is that the conceptual version of Gender is superior to the classic version; heirarchically similar to how Quantum physics is held superior to but evolved from Newtonian physics.

Language is organnic and yes terms evolve over time. But language is the primary tool we use to communicate our thoughts to others. This is difficult at the best of times: e.g. clear definitions and proofs.

For language to meet our needs it requires a common understanding of its terms.

Changing the use of a word will lead to confusion and require re-definition.

Re-definition cannot be one way. It cannot be unilateral. Society must adopt the changes.

Further, the meaning left behind still needs to be articulated and expressed and contrasted.

Gender means Sex type in Humans, mammals, and some other species. It is a term that signifies physical features common in some animals that play an exclusive role in the reproduction of the species. Gender does NOT signify a cognitive decision, a mental state, a subjective feeling or personal experience.

Gender is a term abbreviated from the term Sexual Gender and it has always meant, Male or Female terms that signifiy physiological characteristics that relate only to sexual reproduction and the consequences that those characteristics appear to have on physicality and behaviour and relations between members of that species to which it applies.

Gender is a term to signify physical appearance and behaviour, NOT a mental experience. Thus, Gender is observable, verifiable, consistent, internally coherent and objective.

If you change the use of this term, you are conceding that all terms currently understood in common are NOT signifying their historical use. You are calling a banana a pear. A duck a donkey.

If you accept the historical use of terms, and comply with the common understanding, you cannot change them without misunderstanding and you will expect a societal reaction, such as the myriad debates and court cases.

You cannot chose your height, your ears, or ability to give birth and, in the same way, you cannot choose your Gender: your sexual physiology.

Gender is a term that signifies a Group. A class of physical commonlity among some human beings, those being related sexual reproduction. Gender is not a term that signifies an internal feeling that you belong to another Group, defined by physicality.

To belong to a group called Women, you need to meet the criteria by which Woman is defined, and that criteria is based on sexual features, physcially verifiable.

That is the case unless you change the definition of the term Woman and thus the Group of Woman.

And that is what gender identity proponents have done. To them, gender is not physical, but mental. Gender is to them an internal experience that they say all Women share: the internal feeling that they are a Woman.

How do they know what a Woman is, if it is not a physical thing? How can you say I feel like a woman, if to be a woman is internal NOT external? You could not claim to belong to a group that is defined only by physcial features, but claim to belong because of only internal feelings. This is what we call ideology; when members of a group shares the same idea. However, the traditional use of the term Woman does not refer to ideas, but only to physcial features. So gender identity proponents have changed the ancient use of the term Woman from physical to mental, but claim the mental based on the physical.

There are physical commonalities related to sexual reproduction and manking has created terminology to discuss theses features. Today, some are tearing the terminology off its meaning and applying it to separate concept. What then happens to the original meaning? If we call a donkey a duck, what do we then call a donkey? Is a duck an animal that feels like a donkey?

The term used that far in history, without need of scientifc validation, was eventually confirmed with the discovery of Chromosomes:

The discovery of X and Y chromosomes and their proven role in sexual reproduction proves scientifically what humans have already known: there is a difference between humans related to sex.

All humans have sex chromosomes, divided into two categories, which align with their physical features. All humans with a uterus etc, have XX genes, and all humans with penises etc have XY genes. Kleinfelters is a very rare condition where a person has both male and female sexual features, but it is not a mental condition, it is not a gender in the changed sense of the corrupted term.

In this choromosomal case, science has confirmed what we already knew.

But even after all this proof, even though we have ancient historical references to the term Gender, even after all that time we still need to discuss the meaning behind the term today because a small group have decided history and science are incorrect.

We thought we knew what Gender meant and now we are told we were wrong all that time.

We need to challenge this position now because the word Gender is currently being changed to suit a minority's social acceptance. 0.8% of people require and demand 100% of people change their understanding.

So what was the requirement for the original term Gender? What was its etymology?

The modern term is an abbreviation of the historical phrase Sexual Gender. Here the noun Gender is qualified by the adjective Sexual. The original use of the term Gender, by itself, means and has always meant Type. Gender by itself is not exclusive to sex.

Thus, for example, there are Genders (called Genres) of Movies: Action, Thriller, Comedy, Documentary, Horror.

The French word for Type is Genre, and the Anglo Saxon translation became Gender after the conquest of Britain by the French speaking Normans. The French language encroached into English since 1066 and we saw the first publiction of Gender four hundred years ago.

Recently, the qualifier Sexual has been removed from the phrase for convenience, seen as being redundant, so we have the equivalent term Gender: minus Sexual. This abbreviation of phrases to single terms is common in the evolution of language across the globe. For example, the modern term Art is an abbrieviation of the term Fine Art. The term United Kingodm is abbreviated from United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It appears the omission of the qualifier is now problematic, as gender identity proponents deny the relation between sex and gender in order to acheive their goal.

So, people are now attempting to change the definition of the term Gender, to signify a psychological choice about physical Masculinity and Femininity etc. for exmaple, I am a man trapped in a woman's body.

So, since its inception, Sexual Gender has referred to the two physical types of Human, based on sexual reproductive features, Male and Female.

Terms do not create their meaning. The meaning creates the term. The concept has precedence over the term. Because there are differences between Humans that acknowledge that Humans differ in physical characteristics, we have created a term to distinguish both. Male and Female. And then Man and Women and all the consequent derivatives and relative pronouns.

Today, we are expected to believe and accept that Gender, the abbreviation of Sexual Gender, is not signifying physiology, but a feeling a person has. So, a term is being used to create a meaning.

Today, Gender is said to be an internal experience, rather than a physical quality.

Gender identity proponents have changed the definition of the term Gender, because the current use contradicts their preference for choosing gender and their view that a woman can be trapped inside a man's body.

So, now we are told Gender is an internal experience only. You can feel like you are a Woman, rather than the Man you appear to be, based on physciality.

How can you feel like a Woman, if it is an internal experience? What's to stop us feeling like a goat?

How do we know what it feels like to be a Woman? So,if you are not physically a goat, you can still feel like a goat?

If we allow feelings to determine what we are, how does it feel to be a Woman? You can't know that you feel like a Woman without knowing what a Woman feels like. How do you know?

How do women feel like women? And why do we think a woman is a woman.

Ask a Woman. Ask someone who thinks they know what a woman is. Ask all those claiming to belong to the group Woman and see what the commonalities are. Then compare that with your feelings. If you don't, then you can't claim to belong to that group.

A survey of Women's answers to what does it feel like to be a Woman will largely be the same, and will be base on physical feeling and physical appearance. Internal feelings are likely to be felt as being directly caused by, derived from solely by, a physical experience.

Now knowing what it is to feel like and look like a woman, let us use the information as an empirical objective and verifiable benchmark for deciding whether a person actually is or feels like a woman.

So. What does it mean when someone says, I am a woman?

Ask these people, what do you mean?

Ask your mother why she feels like a woman. Ask the transgender person how they relate to that.

If the person answers honestly, it will become clear that they are or are not a woman.

So, what is a Woman?

Two things:

1. What claimants feel and experience.
2. What they look like.

What do women feel and experience:

1. Female puberty
2. Menstrual cycle mental consequences
3. Pregnancy

What do they look like:

3. Physical appearance: e.g. vagina, breasts, distribution of hair, muscle growth...
4. Potential for childbirth
5. Menstrual cycles: uterine bleeding monthly, uterine cramping

If you claim to have these qualities, then your claim can be verified empirically. And the determination of your gender can be acknowledged objectively.

Proponents of Gender as a choice, Gender Identity, argue that societal norms have imposed gender-specific behaviours onto humans, such as social behaviour, dress, hair style, names, colours etc.

But it is arguable whether these social impositions upon the child is the cause of this beahiour, or its effect.

If your child displays female characteristics, you may impose on them societally consistent female behaviours and labels.

Rather than imposing behaviours, the behaviours create the gender, perhaps the gender imposes the behaviour.

The consequences of redefining commonly used terms and using language in this goal-oriented, anti-scientific way are immense.

If we can choose to identify ourselves with a Group defined by physicality, but without reference to physicality, then we can identify as ANYTHING.

I can say that I feel like a lion, or a brick, or a planet or a God.

I don't have to look like any of these, as long as I feel like them. So identity is a feeling shared.

So, identity becomes ridiculous and its mention will be heckled and ignored.

There is also an insult to real Women. For a man to claim that he is a woman is to reduce women to a fluid concept that any thing can be.

Further, if we accept that Gender is a feeling, then we are forced to comply that we cannot tell the difference between men and women, until we ask them what they are and they tell us. How ludicrous.

Our newborn child is indeterminate. We don't know what Gender our new baby is. We have to wait for them to grow up and decide on what they identify as.


Transgender women demand that their decision to identify as female is not based on physical charatceristics, but a feeling. But then they make their appearance as a traditional female. This is a self-contradiction. Female is a feeling, but its expression is physical and contrasts with Males.

If being a women is nothing to do with appearance, why dress and look like a traditional woman?

Men tell us they feel like a woman, and then display their features as women. Why the need? Why the need to appear as a woman, if appearance is not an indicator of gender?

This behaviour refinforces why we know it is utter bullshit.

You cannot identify you way out of your sexual biology.

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