What to expect over the coming months:
More Crime derived from mass unemployment, fear and stress, mob mentality:
- fights between shoppers competing for food, petrol, necessities
- attacks on pharmacies
- car jackings
- home invasions
- gang attacks
- muggings
- road rage
- burglary, looting of all the empty shops, building sites and vacant venues
- Email and website scams
Police actually patrolling, instead of just traffic cop work! Complemented by Army patrols. Neighbourhood watch patrols. Private security.
The NBN and Internet crashing.
Blackmarkets filling in the gaps.
Power outages, caused by work from home load increases.
Profiteering from essential service providers and goods suppliers.
Bad people will take advantage of this crisis.
Good people will become bad.
Evil states and non-state actors will take advantage.
Conspiracies will spread.
Boredom will drive people nuts.
Unresolved disputes between people groups will inflame.
Blame games will develop pitting groups against each other.
Religious zealots will step in with the old "told you so".
Cults will flourish.
The Mad will become more mad. The sane will become mad.
On the positive side, we'll see an increase in:
Innovations in all areas of life, from remedies, treatments, communications, social interaction by distance, technology, all created by necessity and boredom.
Random acts of kindness.
Motivational Poster

Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Monday, March 23, 2020
Married at First Sight - How Over-Analysing Poisons Everything
A rose is beautiful. Experiencing a rose is a wonderful experience.
When you analyse a rose, it becomes a wet shit on the ground.
Analysing life's wonders and beauties ruins them.
Standard comments, historically tested, are fine. "I love this rose.", "What a beautiful rose."
This not analysis. It is statements of fact or feeling.
When humans attempt anything further than this, when humans analyse, things go to shit.
When humans try to explain the beauty, the relationship, their love, their feelings, the causes, the effects, they tear the thing apart into its components, which are blemished with language and names and inept descriptions.
So why analyse them?
Humans think they are good at analysing, that they are smarter than they are, and that their command over language and their rational faculties are advanced and good enough to analyse anything.
They aren't.
Why stop analysing?
You can ruin something by talking about it too much. Just appreciate the damn thing and leave it at that.
How do we ruin things with analysis? What happens in analysis that is so destructive?
Humans start analysis with language at the most base level. They use standard day to day language to discuss something at a deep level and it doesn't fucking work. They pull the petals off, dissect the body, tear off strips to look at them.
Using standard language, common phrases and words as your arsenal to analyse X, is using a spoon to do brain surgery.
"The problem with our relationship is it could be awesome, but it's shit."
After failing to succeed with standard language, humans shift it up a gear and use language they've heard used by smart people.
They start using cliches used by politicians, news readers, TV experts, to have another go at analysing something with anything meaningful and insightful about a complex issue.
This fails also, but on a different level.
It fails this time, because they end up speaking broad vague terms that head the analysis in the opposite direction. The thing analysed becomes even more vague than with the vernacular.
"This relationship requires dedicated efforts to communication and understanding."
"Is there emotional growth or are you trying to ride it out.", "We can't go forward."
Another approach is to fall back on truisms, old adages, parables from history and over-used sayings.
"We can't just sweep things under the carpet."
"You guys have a got a lot of work cut out for you."
"Marriage is always a work in progress."
"Travel the road together."
"We've had ups and downs."
"I want to move forward."
"We've done a 180."

When you talk about your relationship using analysis you are killing your relationship.
Because when you talk about your relationship, you are attempting to analyse and add reason to the issue, you are pulling it apart and putting it back together like pulling a puppy into pieces and then sticking the pieces back together. You end up with a bloody ugly mess instead of a cute little puppy.
You are shit at reason. So don't use it. Use normal basic factual or emotional language.
"I'm happy.", "I don't like you."
"You hurt me." "I'm sorry."
"I want to be with my friends tonight." "I don't want you getting drunk with your mates and flirting with my competition."
There's no analysis here, just honest statements about feelings.
You can't break emotional statements any further. You can't ask "Why do you like something?" "Why does X make you feel bad?"
These are invalid questions. There is no possible answer. So there can be no analysis.
After seven weeks and 54 episodes of Married at First Sight, Connie finally cuts through all the bullshit analysis and asks Jonethen directly, "Are you attracted to me?"
He responds, "No."
Here endeth the issue. Resolution in one answered question.
MAFS has it all wrong with an analytical approach to the relationship experiement.
You don't fall in love with someone, are attracted to them, and want them just because you're married.
You can't dissect the causes of love and attraction to improve the relationship.
You meet each other. Your engage with each other. You talk and interact. You fall in love. You feel sexually attracted. Then you fuck. Then you enjoy each other's company. Then you know each other, good and bad. Then you commit to be together.
Married at First Sight is backwards.
Married at First Sight is Arranged Marriage.
You don't know someone because you're matched to them.
"I feel like... like things are just turned to like shit."
That's more like it.

Saturday, March 21, 2020
The Vegan Argument - Destroyed
Animals are not Human, therefore Human morality applied to Animals is the same as Human morality applied to Furniture.
Animals do not have the same value as Humans, therefore when it comes to choosing between one or the other, we choose Humans.
Not all living things have the same kind and intensity of experience, such as love, compassion, pain, fear. Therefore, no analogy can be made where Animals suffer in the same way as Humans.
Humans experiencing being kept fenced in and forced to eat certain foods and to rape other humans is not the same experience that Animals have.
Animals show distress and suffering, but not in the way Humans suffer and are distressed. An animal cannot fear next Tuesday. Animals do not have moral systems to govern their behaviour in the same sense that Humans do.
The costs to the environment and natural resources to farm animals is outweighed by the benefits.
Every benefit has a cost.
The cost to the environment of a Vegan's life and lifestyle is much higher than the same cost in farming.
The fundamental flaw in the Vegan argument is that animals are humans.
They are not.
But the Vegan argument is a facade.
The true motivation behind the Vegan argument is to use another vehicle to prove that they are holier thna thou.
The Vegan is a weak person, who sees strength in being morally superior.
In order to achieve moral superiority and all the benefits that flow from that, they need to attack an authority and win.
The goal of weak people is to prove that their views are correct, their morals are the right ones. If you don't agree with their views and morals, then you are inferior to them.
Vegans are just weak people using a Cause to strive to appear smarter, more moral, more knowledgable, and better than You.
They are not.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Coronavirus - How to Stop a Global Economic Catastrope

Coronavirus is killing the global economy not just people.
If we all survive the infection, we will still need to survive the economic disaster.
So what's the economic vaccine?
The governments of the captalist world need to cease and freeze all currency, commodity and equity market trading and financial instittution, commercial bank lending and mortgages.
The only reason small, medium businesses are going to stop making money, stop paying staff and stop repaying their debts is because their creditors are still calling in repayments.
If the banking creditors stop calling in repayments, small and medium businesses will stop losing money, caused by their books being all expenditure and no revenue. Families will avoid homelessness.
The Reserve banks and governments can arrange the macro economy to compel this outcome with radical fiscal and monetary policy and a suite of targeted incentives and finance stimulus initiatives.
If household revenue stops, household expenditure needs to stop. Only one authority can achieve this.
If household income stops, we'll have mass evictions and mortgagee defaults. Landlords need to get themselves some morality.
The governments need to step in and control the economy.
If markets stopped trading, investors would not be able to sell shares and big business would stop losing money. Our superannuation would be frozen at current levels instead of being reduced to small change through markets collapsing.
If banks stopped calling in repayments, mortgages would be frozen and people wouldn't lose their houses, nor default on loans.
Utility companies should similarly be compelled to freeze repayment for services, which could be acheived through government action.
If these measures are taken, businesses will stay afloat, households will sustain their survival and flow on effects will keep all of us where we are today.
If these measures are not taken, businesses will collapse, unemployment will soar, crime will soar and government will be replaced by mob rule.
State and non-state agressors will take the opportunity before them. They will take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity.
What about daily sustainance? Food, water, medicine, essential goods and services?
Societies have long histories of surviving through war and famine, through government control. Rationing, stockpiling, mass production in primary industry, prioritisation, critical industry policies, primary industry protection, etc etc has been used successfully before and can again. Must again.
All of this will take strong and courageous political leadership and real social cohesion. If we ever had this, we will soon find out.
The problem is defined. The solution is there. All that's left is action.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Coronavirus - Are We Learning the Lessons?
Coronavirus is a latest vehicle by which we can learn some important lessons about society.
Through this awful global event, we can now witness and analyse and test the social character and behaviours we have until now simply assumed.
Societal response to crisis, resilience, cohesion, all of that stuff can now be tested in real time.
How we are now witnessing people behaving towards each other in this crisis is food for a banquet of thought.
We hope that everyone watching this crisis unfold is also paying attention to how people are reacting to it. Not just individuals, but organisations, governments, leaders, influencers, the media.
For instance, we are now aware of how poorly planned our governments are in responding and communicating in a crisis.
Official communication to the general public on how to deal with the crisis is a mess. Politicians are making statements like "Go and attend mass sporting events." and the medical professionals are saying "Don't attend mass sporting events."
The media has made more of a mess of communication by interviewing different "experts" every day.
Some schools are closing, others are not. If we're cancelling events of more than 500 people, why are we sending our kids to schools with populations well above 500?
Why are we still using public transport?
Do we go to the GP or not?
The Australian Federal government took seven weeks before launching an advertising campaign to educate people on the virus on TV.
Politicians are telling us not to shake hands, and then they shake hands! On TV just after they've said it!
Where is the advice on buying out supermarkets? Where is the contingency to prevent shops being cleared of basic supplies?
It took several weeks before practical information on the virus was communicated from a single reliable authoritative source.
Questions not answered:
1. How long does the virus last on surfaces?
2. How is the virus spread?
3. How do people self-isolate when they are working and need to address compensation for absences?
4. How do you take leave from work for two weeks when you don't have enough leave?
5. Why should we stop buying a year's worth of toilet paper?
6. What should we be stocking up on?
7. How long will this last?
8. What contingencies does the government have on keeping society going?
9. What preventative measures are being taken by the emergency response services?
10. What new threats should we be prepared for in the coming months?
11. Is our current strategic infrastructure, power, water, waste, communications, food supply, able to cope?
Many are arguing that we should give the government and leaders in society a bit of slack. After all, this is an unprecedented event.
Well guess why we plan for things?
We have the power to plan for unprecedented events.
A hospital emergency department has no idea what's going to be coming through their doors at any given minute, but somehow they are always prepared.
Nuclear war has not happened, it would be unprecedented, but we have been ready for decades.
The outbreak of a novel virus is something that was always a possibility and probability in some cases.
The unprecedented argument is a lame excuse for poor leadership and poorer planning.
The befuddled, confused, vague, contradictory answers to these questions from multiple sources with different responses should be a wealth of Lessons Learned data for future crisis management and planning.
Everyone is watching the progression of the viral infection and its affect on every aspect of life.
Hopefully some people in the right positions are thinking about what we do next time.
Sure puts things into perspective!
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Vegan Debates as Insight Into Debating

The weakness of debating Veganism reveals the limits of Debate.
If we agree that debating is the general term we use to cover any discussion between two parties over an issue where they disagree, with the goal being that one party's argument wins, we can choose any issue to analyse the debating process.
Let us use Veganism to analyse the limits of debate.
In debating we only have a few tools in our arsenal to win:
1. Logic.
2. Empirically verifiable or falsifiable statements.
3. Moral judgments.
[We could add Rhetoric (charm, elitism, jargon, body langauge) but this not necessary for our purposes.]
For example:
1. We can point out inconsistencies in the argument and invalid logic.
2. We can point out the falsity of empirical statements.
3. We can claim X is good and Y is bad. X is right and Y is wrong.
Vegans argue in debate that we are causing the suffering of animals to eat them. So if it is wrong to cause suffering, then we should stop eating meat.
This is using logic based on empirical statements to support a moral judgment.
Empirical statements entailed by this vegan argument above include:
1. Animals can suffer.
2. Consumers of meat cause the suffering of the animal consumed.
3. Animals can only be consumed if they first suffer.
Logic includes:
1. If we believe we should not cause suffering, and eating meat causes suffering, and we eat meat, then it follows that we are are contradicting our belief when we eat meat.
2. If an animal becomes meat, and it must be slaughtered to become meat, and being slaughtered iincludes suffering, then animals must suffer to become meat.
Moral judgments include:
1. Causing animals to suffer is wrong.
There are implied statements in this argument, as well as the patent statements above. These include:
Empirically implied:
1. An animal suffers in the same way humans do.
2. Animals suffer.
Moral judgment implied:
1. Causing any suffering is wrong under any circumstances.
2. Animals have the same value as humans. Or animals are valued as much as humans are valued. Or animals are valued in the same way humans are valued.
In response to the vegan's arguement, we can oppose the truth value of the empirical statements through verfiying them. And we can diasagree on the moral judgment.
We can demand the vegan verify empirically that either animals suffer, or they suffer in the same way that humans suffer.
It is the burden of the proponent that animals suffer to prove the statement "animals suffer" and that animals suffer at a level that would be unacceptable by human standards.
In response to the vegan's moral judgement, we can simply disagree.
We can say we don't care that the animal suffers or is exploited, because that is our own moral judgment.
You cannot oppose someone's personal moral judgement. You cannot tell someone that what they think is good is not good. Morality is personal, just like taste. Morality is subjective, so attempts to make objective moral statements is logically impossible.
If I like vegemite icecream and you don't, you cannot tell me that I am wrong. You cannot say that my liking Blondes is incorrect.
This is the fallacy of claiming a non-human is a human. A baby pig is a baby human. A cow being raped is a woman being raped. A calf removed from their cow is a child removed from their mother.
This is an argument tactic vegans and other moral debaters use to attempt forcing the opponent into making what they say is a self-contradiction. You wouldn't murder a baby, so why murder chicks?
The analogy of treatment of animals with treatment of humans is a false analogy, because the two things are not the same.
If anthropomorphism was a good argument, we could use it for plants. A salad is a massacre.
An animal cannot be a slave, in the sense that a human can be a slave. This is using terms created to apply only to humans to non-humans.
If we analogise animals with humans then we could marry animals, make them subject to human law such as the criminal justice system, we could make them pay taxes, charge them for occupying property.
Most of us find animal cruelty abhorrent, but not because we imagine what it would be like for a human to receive that cruelty. We find it abhorrent because we can see something suffering. Not a human suffering, but a thing that we believe can suffer in some sense and is suffering in some sense, a sense specific to that thing.
You cannot argue that animals are human. So you cannot use human analogies to argue for anything other than humans. Killing an animal is not the same as killing a human. If you think it is, then you have to treat animals exactly like humans and subject them to human law, politics and morality.
Cows cannot be victims in the same sense that a human can be a victim.
You cannot put yourself in the mind of a cow. You cannot ask someone, imagine how you would like it to be a cow. You have to be a cow to know what it's like to be a cow.
So the argument that animals are humans is not going to win any arguments. But it will make you look like a dumbarse.
What debaters often do at this stage is quote direcrtly or imply a Moral Authority: the Bible, the Law, Social Norms.
But appealing to authority simple Begs the Question: who says the moral authority is correct, true, good? Same problem.
But here is what's really going on in moral debates.
People tend to place their morality above everyone else's. It's an ego trip, a defence mechanism.
But their morality is only theirs, so it cannot be more true or more good than anyone else's morality.
People don't like that. It takes the weight off their beliefs, reduces them to having just one of millions of equally valuable moralities.
This is not ideal for people who need their beliefs and morality to be the best, superior, infallible, awesome.
So they attempt to argue that Morality itself is objective. There is a right and wrong outside of human experience. Your morality and moral judgments can be right or wrong, true or false.
My opinion is fact, your opinion is not. I am moral, you are not.
This would make debating morally something you could win over your opponent.
This is lovely. But it is not true. Morality is not objective. Your moral judgment cannot be true or false, wrong or right, nor better than someone else's.
Sorry buddy. The truth hurts.
So in debate, when we get to moral judgments all we can do is express them, agree to disagree and end the debate.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Tolerance is a word used in terms of social and cultural diversity.
We are encouraged to tolerate others.
We are told our country is a tolerant country, where we respect all cultures.
We are a more sophisticated society, because we tolerate the beliefs and politics and opinions of others.
Being tolerant is a step above.
Tolerance is treated as a virtue.
But what does tolerate mean?
It means " to suffer".
Tolerance is the act of being burdened by something. To tolerate something is to "put up with" it.
Tolerating the pain. Pushing through. We refer to high and low levels of pain tolerance.
It is not a good word.
To say you are tolerant of others is to say you are willing to suffer them.
This is not an ideal approach to socio-cultural cohesion among diversity.
We should not be proud of our tolerance of others.
And why do we tolerate others?
The motivation is as bad as the word. We tolerate others because we have no choice. Others are there and we can't remove them. And we can't not tolerate them without repercussions. The law and the morally superior will crush our intolerance.
Tolerance is not acceptance. It is not satisfaction. It is a tense social condition where sustained displeasure is forced down and feelings of disharmony are veiled with the false appearance of harmony.
In this sense, we can see how the term Tolerance is exactly the right word to describe the socio-cultural status of most of the peoples on this planet.
But it's not all bad.
At least our recognition and acknowledgement of our tolerance is exposed, it's in the public sphere circulating throughout debate and discussion as a well-known thing.
At least we are not hiding it.
The Victim Movement currently in charge of the world's morals will eventually hide this hideous thing called tolerance and replace it with a factually incorrect euphemism.
And that will be something we should not tolerate.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Personal Cameras
The future is personal cameras.
Wearable body cameras and drones.
They will change the world forever.
Every interaction you have with everyone will be caught on tape.
Technology will develop so that your every act in public life is recorded and can be played back to replace witness accounts with fact.
Rudeness, bullying, crime, accusations all verified objectively.
Identity and privacy issues can be protected by blurring faces in post production. So that's not an issue. And in some cases it won't matter.
Technology is progressing in this direction anyway, due to two drivers:
1. Camera Technology: cameras are getting smaller and easier to conceal, better in quality, easier to share across devices and media platforms, it fits with the Wearable Tech future.
2. Political Correctness: people will use technology to support their personal battle for or against The Other, resolving objectively disputes, disagreements, arguments, assault perceived or otherwise.
From that moment on the whole world will change.
People will no longer feel free to speak their mind or behave any way they want knowing that people are wearing tiny HD cameras on their person.
Sure they will have objective proof that someone hurt their feelings, or didn't. But the cost is privacy.
We will all become spies.
We will all tread carefully, even more than we are now, when engaging with others.
Concealed personal recording devices will settle and prevent many Things that confront us in public social life.
Even in private life, we'll be able to pull up that argument we had where our partner promised to clean out the garage for once.
This development will meet immediate resistance, mostly over privacy issues, but these will be overcome.
After this initial resistance, many things will improve in life, and many other things will get a lot worse.
Imagine life where everything you do is recorded and can be played back later for any reason.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Arguing is not a Yelling Match
An argument is an idea you expose to others to test its validity and its truth and its value.
An argument is not an emotional yelling match between two people who disagree on a point, who are furious and desire the destruction of their opponent.
An argument is not an articulated expression of an emotional outburst.
An argument is the rational expression of a conclusion derived from logic and observation that you present to Others for critique, development and potential to solve a problem or advise on a matter from an intellectual basis.
An argument is a part of a process to get from a basic idea to a well-tested statement. An argument is an improvement from concept to reality.
The act of arguing is when this presentation of a developed concept is subject to the Other, who crtitques the presentation.
The act of arguing improves the argument or shows it to be lacking in some area.
Thus further is improvement can be made following the arguing phase.
An argument is an intellectual advancement, made so only because of the criticism of the Other.
Scientists present arguments to other scientists to improve and refine their original idea that inspired it.
Unfortunately, the general public also uses the term to describe an emotionally charged, adverse dispute between people. The conclusion of this argument is not designed to achieve greater understanding, but to destroy the opponent.
Let's take back the original and better use of the term.
An argument is good. It is good because emotions don't come into it. An argument is about intellectuals getting together to acheive understanding and truth.
Humans - Walking Self-Contradictions
People want X and Not X at the same time.
People want to eat and lose weight.
People want to express their individuality and copy everyone else.
People hate the slaughter of animals and love meat.
People love 3rd world immigrants, but not next door.
People say it's what's on the inside that counts, and fall in love with babes.
Women love a guy who's caring and makes them laugh, but want to shag the tough wanker.
Men want a soul mate to share their life, with big boobs.
Social Justice Warriors protest against Fascism, by shutting down and boycotting free speech.
People want massive carbon and pollution reduction, and use power and gas to fuel their lives like its running out.
People want to come together in the face of adversity and crisis, and bash each over the last rolls of bog paper.
People meet others, laugh, smile and share concerns, and bitch about them behind their backs.
People want Freedom, but not when it upsets them.
People want the Truth, unless it hurts.
Religious scientists demand Evidence for everything except God.
People are walking talking self-contradictions.
People don't know what the fuck they want at any given moment.
People are confused and the world inside their heads is a fucking mess.
No wonder the world is fucked.
Everything's fine until the shit goes down.
Then all this confused crap comes out like explosive diarrhea mixed with baking soda.
You can't have it both ways.
Pick a thing and stick to it.
She loves me. She loves me not.
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