Motivational Poster

Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Crackly Female Voice
A lot of women speak with a crackly voice, especially at the end of their statement.
The voice begins normally, with the common high pitch, normal volume, a touch of the nasal, and clear tone.
The voice then finishes in a low volume, lower pitch and a crackly tone, almost a crackly whisper.
What the fuck is this?
Men don't do this. It is only women.
Crackly female voice occurs across nations. Americans, Brits and Aussies all do the same voice.
This global aspect is important.
It is also of note that this kind of speech is new. It is a recent phenomenon.
What are these women doing? Is it intentional or are they unaware? Is it a tactic?
Women don't seem to notice what their voice is doing. But then it does seem like it is a purposeful change in style of speech.
The subject or context of the conversation seems to play a role. Often the crackle comes in at a conclusion and also sensitive part of the expression.
It's as though the crackly part is distinct from the earlier speech. As though a change of mood occurs.
It's like a crackly clause that should be understood separately from the earlier expression.
There are many colours on the vocal expression, which can be chosen or occur without awareness, such as falsetto, natural, high and low pitch, high and low volume, nasal or chest voice, etc.
Perhaps crackly voice is a colour on the pallette chosen for specific effect or perhaps we should find out why it occurs without awareness and what it means.
Is it an attempt, consciously or not, to mimic a male voice?
Is it an attempt to appear sexy, mimicing a sexual moan? But women perform this style with other women (both being hetero).
Does the crackle de-escalate a sensitive subject?
Is it a parroting of celebrities, like Kim Kardashian, where woman try to mimic her in hair style, eyebrow style, lips, butt, mascara and even vocal character?
Some thinkers in the US call this phenomenon Vocal Fry. Some studies can be found to unravel the mystery. Many have noticed, such as many actresses and even Naomi Wolf who advises against this style.
It is interesting that women from the US speak in a higher register with more nasal resonance than UK women, who already speak in a low register.
Even male actors from the UK find that their voice hightens in pitch when they do American accents.
But men don't tend to crackly their voices at all.
There is a style of masculine voice that is often referred to as Gravely. But it's not the same. Male gravel voice is mostly a conscious technique applied with specific intent. A man can use gravel to sound manlier or to sing the blues.
The voice of Batman by Christian Bale is an intentional effort to disguise his true idenitity and to sound more malicious and scary.
But acting is not a good place to start. Acting requires over acting. Acting requires vocal, facial and bodily techniques to exaggerate a character and create a brand. Especially with voice actors.
What we are talking about is not acting, but just being a normal person.
Although, actors like Jason Statham express no difference between acting voice and normal voice.
Statham speaks with a naturally whispered and gravily voice.
The point of this article is to make you aware of the different expressions people employ when they communicate with you and that their various qualities mean something in the mind of the expressor.
Bodily behaviour can tell you something hidden in the mind of the person exhibiting the behaviour.
Crackley voice is another tell tale sign of what your expressor is thinking.
As yet, crackley voice is still a mystery. But at least be aware of it. See if you can unravel the mystery yourself.
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