Motivational Poster

Monday, January 20, 2020
Snowflakes - Where do they come from?
The term Snowflake is a nascent term used metaphorically and pejoratively to describe those people in the social and political forums of our time, as people who can't and won't tolerate anything difficult.
Snowflakes melt under the heat of a situation.
Difficult things include aggression, antagonism, conflict, negativity, anything bad especially if directed at them.
Snowflakes need counselling when they hear bad words. They are traumatised by arguments. They fall to pieces in the presence of conflict.
Snowflakes have sought safety in numbers and become a political force to destroy all bad things and the people who harm them with words, facial expressions and vibes.
They have their own terminology now:
Triggering, micro-aggression, unsafe spaces, hate speech...
They have created and manipulated terms to denigrate what they call offensive behaviour.
They protest against their feelings being hurt by negative behaviour, but instead of growing a spine, they attack the aggressor, the offender, from the safety of their bedroom or the safety of a protest. They will demand counselling and the removal of their attackers.
Snowflakes have turned traditional weaknesses into strengths, weaknesses not to be overcome but to be maintained and protected and promoted as virtues.
Policy and law now protects them. But protects them at great cost and consequence. This is the problem we need to solve.
The power of the snowflake movement, especially if it continues to grow on its current trajectory, will harm more than its target ever could.
Almost nothing true or thought will be said.
The ideal world of the snowflake is one without disagreement, argument, debate, critique.
The traditional virtues of free intellectual, rational discourse are reversed and demoted to the status of sin. Sin beyond forgiveness. Sin on pain of damnation and punishment.
Resilience, robustness, courage, fortitude, adaptability, honesty, all sin.
Even managerial, parental, governmental discourse and direction is reduced in its execution:
Directions, orders, demands, requirements, expectations, policies, from these organisations, all diluted to requests and suggestions.
This is a world where all important issues, tough decisions, difficult problems are vetted before being discussed.
A world therefore where serious problems are not solved and therefore continue to their end, where all discussion is ceased at the first offense. Where progress is ceased at the point of negativity. Where tough decisions are rejected. Where all difficult occupations and pursuits are left vacant. Where fear is preferred to courage.
The ideal world of the snowflake is a world of fragile, scared, unadaptable, weak people in charge and control over society. A world of people who rule by a fascist doctrine using a metaphorical sword to threaten any opponent, but who will drop to their knees before a real steel sword and accept their very real execution.
Snowflake World is a world that will be easily crushed by any real outside aggressor.
So where did Snowflakes come from?
We weren't having this discussion of how to survive snowflakes ten, twenty a hundred years ago. These people were the downtrodden, timid voice of the weak the meak and pathetic. They were jeered at, ostracised, ignored and ridiculed. They were powerless abberations anathema to society.
Now they advise law makers and policy makers. They are supported in schools and universities, employers and governments. Their voice is loud and powerful.
How did this happen?
Three things:
1. The Internet.
2. Politicial Correctness.
3. Modern Parenting
No surprise. These first two modern forces have enabled a myirad of minorities from political poverty to political power.
Without the Internet, minorities cannot consolidate globally nor spread their ideology.
Without PC, minorities must have their voices heard and their opponents banned.
Parents raise children intentionally or unavoidably to be weak.
The Internet has enabled a minority rights movement through consolidating members, organising global protests, spreading information globally, responding to more and more pervasive opportunities for their targets (those in opposition are also spread across the Internet), discovery of more badness in the world (more news and current affairs, panel discussions etc available to watch and that trigger them).
PC bans opposition as hate speech. It is easier to garner support when you have no opposition. PC diminishes the power and effect of previously accepted behaviours and principles, such as open debate, freedom of expression, unbiased teaching, even language use. PC forces everyone to change their terminology to avoid offending people and to encourage and promote their ideologies, often by force of law and employer policy.
Modern parenting suffers two great forces: not being as strict as their parents, and laws and social norms that limit parenting activities, especially discipline, communication, safety.
Children now sue their parents for spanking them or even yelling at them.
Parents want their children to be safer than previously due to modern and new threats, such as paedophiles, terrorists, worsened traffic behaviour. Children grow up avoiding all risks and hazards, over-protected from the evils of germs, foods, the sun, strangers, bullies, conflict, all by the coddling of parents.
Thus, children grow up without resilience, conflict resolution, learning from mistakes, suffering through difficulty to grow stronger. They become adults and find themselves living in a society that behaves just like their protective parents. They work for employers who offer counselling, protections from bullying and harrassment, work health and safety policies, safe spaces, mediated conflict resolution.
These three forces are nascent and growing in power. Their ultimate combined conclusion is what we are seeing glimpses of now.
The meek are inheriting the Earth.
There is one positive conclusion.
Snowflakes always melt.
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